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Monday, April 22, 2013

Mapplethorpe : The Complete Flowers

 Mapplethorpe : The Complete Flowers
Mapplethorpe : The Complete Flowers

Description du produit

ISBN: 978-3-8327-9168-x 256 Seiten, Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag 53 Farbfotografien und 227 Duplexabbildungen, Format: 38 x 27,5 cm Mapplethorpes Blumenfotografien, häufig bewundert und nie erreicht, sind von erhabener Schönheit Diese Bilder zählen zu den schönsten Momenten in Mapplethorpes Werk und der Geschichte der Fotografie schlechthin Gestaltet von Dimitri Levas Vorwort von Jamaica Kincaid Blumen zählen wohl zu den gängigsten Kunstmotiven überhaupt. Mapplethorpe allerdings versteht es meisterlich, seinen Blumenfotografien einen radikal neuen Touch zu verleihen. Indem er sie einzeln arrangiert, sorgt er für eine klassische Pose und reduziert sie auf wenige essenzielle Formen. Die Kompositionen sind bestechend einfach, bergen jedoch gleichzeitig eine komplexe Dynamik in sich. Jede ist evokativ, fast immer schwingt eine sexuelle Note mit. Mapplethorpe erreicht in seinen Fotografien, dass diese zarten Organismen beinahe muskulös wirken in der reinen Kraft, die sie ausstrahlen. Robert Mapplethorpe wurde 1946 geboren und wuchs in Long Island, New York auf. Sein Studium am Pratt Institute in Brooklyn schloss er als Bachelor of Fine Arts ab. In den frühen Achtzigerjahren revolutionierte er mit neuen Techniken und Formaten die Fotografie und schuf bis zu seinem frühen Aids-Tod 1989 kraftvolle Bilder.

Flower are one of the most common subjects for artwork, yet Mapplethorpe excels at bringing something radically new to his flower photographs.,Photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe, introduction by Herbert Muschamp The theme of flowers is woven throughout Robert Mapplethorpe's oeuvre, coming to signify some of ,Description: The theme of flowers is woven throughout Robert Mapplethorpe's oeuvre, coming to signify some of his deepest concerns as an artist.,Mapplethorpe: the Complete Flowers by Robert Mapplethorpe (2007, Hardcover) : Robert Mapplethorpe (2007) Please allow 2-9 business days for Media Mail delivery.,Mapplethorpe The Complete Flowers- Flower are one of the most common subjects for artwork, yet Mapplethorpe excels at bringing something radically new to his flower ,Find best value and selection for your Mapplethorpe Complete Flowers NEW Robert Mapple search on eBay. World's leading marketplace.,Robert Mapplethorpe was an American photographer, known for his large-scale, highly stylized black and white portraits, photos of flowers and naked men.,Mapplethorpe: The Complete Flowers by Robert Mapplethorpe, Herbert Muschamp - Find this book online from $95.28. Get new, rare & used books at our marketplace. Save ,The theme of flowers is woven throughout Robert Mapplethorpe's oeuvre, coming to signify some of his deepest concerns as an artist. The photographs in Flowers range ,Back to List The Complete Flowers About this item Published by teNeues in 2006, with an essay by Herbert Muschamp. From the publisher: Flowers are one of the most

The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation - Store - The Complete
Back to List The Complete Flowers About this item Published by teNeues in 2006, with an essay by Herbert Muschamp. From the publisher: Flowers are one of the most

Mapplethorpe: The Complete Flowers by Mapplethorpe. Robert
The theme of flowers is woven throughout Robert Mapplethorpe's oeuvre, coming to signify some of his deepest concerns as an artist. The photographs in Flowers range

Mapplethorpe: The Complete Flowers by Robert Mapplethorpe
Mapplethorpe: The Complete Flowers by Robert Mapplethorpe, Herbert Muschamp - Find this book online from $95.28. Get new, rare & used books at our marketplace. Save

Mapplethorpe The Complete Flowers by Robert Mapplethorpe
Robert Mapplethorpe was an American photographer, known for his large-scale, highly stylized black and white portraits, photos of flowers and naked men.

Mapplethorpe Complete Flowers NEW Robert Mapple | eBay
Find best value and selection for your Mapplethorpe Complete Flowers NEW Robert Mapple search on eBay. World's leading marketplace.

Robert Mapplethorpe - Mapplethorpe The Complete Flowers by
Mapplethorpe The Complete Flowers- Flower are one of the most common subjects for artwork, yet Mapplethorpe excels at bringing something radically new to his flower

Mapplethorpe the Complete Flowers by Robert Mapplethorpe
Mapplethorpe: the Complete Flowers by Robert Mapplethorpe (2007, Hardcover) : Robert Mapplethorpe (2007) Please allow 2-9 business days for Media Mail delivery.

Forty Five Ten | Mapplethorpe The Complete Flowers - Books
Description: The theme of flowers is woven throughout Robert Mapplethorpe's oeuvre, coming to signify some of his deepest concerns as an artist.

LACMA Store - Mapplethorpe The Complete Flowers
Photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe, introduction by Herbert Muschamp The theme of flowers is woven throughout Robert Mapplethorpe's oeuvre, coming to signify some of

Mapplethorpe: The Complete Flowers | Fotografia \ Albumy
Flower are one of the most common subjects for artwork, yet Mapplethorpe excels at bringing something radically new to his flower photographs.

Détails sur le produit

  • Rang parmi les ventes : #232180 dans Livres
  • Taille: Taille Unique
  • Marque: teNeues
  • Publié le: 2006-10-16
  • Sorti le: 2006-10-16
  • Langue d'origine:
    Anglais, Français, Espagnol, Allemand, Italien
  • Dimensions: 15.71" h x
    11.57" l x
    1.97" L,
    8.40 livres
  • Reliure: Relié
  • 248 pages


  • coleur: multicolore
  • sexe: Unisexe
  • matériel: Papier 100%
  • papier: 100%

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